28 October 2008

DA* 200mm f/2.8 Tryout

I've been quite busy with work and have not had the opportunity to shoot too much. I'll nevertheless begin to post those images that I've taken over the last couple of weeks.

Just recently I managed to get my hands on the DA* 200mm f/2.8 ED telephoto courtesy of the local Pentax agents here. This is a lens that doesn't really get too much attention as many photographers usually favour the focal range versatility of the DA* 50-135 f/2.8 zoom or opt for the longer focal length offered by the DA* 300mm f/4. Being weather and dust resistant, it makes a perfect companion to the weather sealed K20D.

Optically the 200mm delivers sharp and contrasty images straight from the camera. Focusing is a tad faster than the DA* 50-135mm and during my brief encounter with it, I've grown to like it a lot, perhaps even more than the excellent DA* 50-135mm. For many, perhaps the only bugbear of the 50-135mm is the feeling that it could have gone all the way to 200mm.

With a minimum focusing disrance of 1.2m, this is a lens that can deliver a respectable close-up. The lens uses internal focusing, which allows the lens barrel to remain the same length. AF is simply quick and silent.

In terms of what this lens can do, I'm suitably impressed to seriously consider putting this excellent lens on my wish list.

10 October 2008


Something from awhile back. My wife's hair thingy in black and white.
I was fascinated by the effect of the lines.

K100D Sigma 90mm f/2.8 Macro

05 October 2008

More From MacRitchie Reservoir

A few more infrared images with the DA 18-55mm II kit lens. These were taken near the Singapore Island Country Club.

01 October 2008

Some Images From MacRitchie Reservoir

About two weeks ago we had our September Pentax users outing at the MacRitchie Reservoir. We had quite a good turnout as well as workout walking through the park and forest trail. Took more shots with my infrared modified *ist DL2 than with my K20D.

Been really busy with work that I've just not been able to upload the images that I took. Here's a selection, all with the DA 18-55mm II kit lens, truly a very useful lens for IR photography.

Along the forest trail, the light was diffused and light levels were pretty low, making shooting a challenge.

Particularly liked the shots under a bright intense sun with water in the foreground.