20 November 2007

Yippee! I got My Lensbaby 2.0

For the longest time I've been on the lookout for a Lensbaby in Pentax K mount. The local agent here simply doesn't bring in the Pentax mount versions for reasons best known to themselves. Well I happened to chance upon one online and in just under a week to was sitting on my desk. Thrilled to bits as I imagined all that wonderful Lensbaby images that many have posted online were now for the making.

The Lensbaby represents the antithesis of the modern method of taking pictures: with the emphasis on razor sharp definition, AF, autoexposure... in short to just aim and shoot. Using the Lensbaby calls for a healthy dose of deliberation, especially when we've become accustomed to auto everything photography. A quick familiarisation and I couldn't wait to try it out.

Well the first thing I noticed was that Shake Reduction didn't immediately work. OK no problem, a quick check with the camera manual and I had to set "FI with S lens used" to "available" in the custom menu.

The next thing was that Aperture Priority Auto Exposure was frequently inaccurate. Only later did I discover that I had to dial-in an additional +2 stops of exposure compensation to get the exposure right. This was confirmed when I later checked the Lensbaby web forum. That out of the way, the Lensbaby has been an absolute blast of fun. Definitely recommended.

I just discovered that I I have an add-on telephoto and wide angle supplementary lenses that fit the 37mm filter thread of the Lensbaby.Originally for portable camcorder use, they work perfectly. And my Pentax extension tubes work perfectly as well. So that should keep me busy in the coming days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice shots Dennis. Welcome to the world of Lensbabies! I am sorry that the Singapore agent made it hard for you to get a Pentax K mount Lensbaby.

I will talk to them about that!


Sam Pardue
Lensbabies, LLC