26 December 2008

New K20D Custom Grip

I had the rubber hand grip changed on my K20D recently and it definitely feels much better and more secure than the original one. With the stock rubber grip, grip pressure is more or less equal for the middle, ring and small fingers on the right hand.

In with the new...

I particularly like the finger cutouts for the middle and small finger on the new grip. The changes are subtle but I can already feel the difference, especially when holding the camera vertically. Again this is my personal experience, based on my average sized hands and making a direct comparison to the original.

The replaced rubber grip

The grip just takes a few minutes to change. It is possible to revert back to the original one but it requires the removal of the base plate. The infrared receiver is a little more recessed on the new grip but it works without any obstruction. Definitely adds a unique touch to an excellent camera.

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