23 July 2010

Bird Outing with the DA 55-300mm

It's been a long time that I've been shooting birds, and I figured my DA 55-300mm needed the workout. Birding is a particularly challenging endeavour as one has to first of all find a good spot, know the best time to shoot and more importantly be able to execute when the time comes and the bird is in sight.

Well these images of the Olive-backed Sunbird were the result of the three ingredients coming together. This little bird is about 10 cm from tip to tail and fly very quickly with their short wings. With my camera on Auto ISO matched with a fast shutter speed and Quick Shift on the lens, I managed to get some nice shots when the birds made their hurried nectar hopping visit to a clump of heliconia flowers. Oblivious to my presence, I easily squeezed off frame after frame. And just as quickly they flew off. All shots uncropped on the K-7.


seefei said...

good effort with the 55-300mm lens. why never try with the sigma 400?

Denis_Lim said...

Gave up on the Sigma 400mm. Just too soft and contrast wasn't so good.