25 June 2008

Getting the Flagship Pentax- K20D

Ok, time to fess up. I got the new K20D.
But that meant letting go of the K10D and the K100D Super that I had. On the face of it, it doesn't seem logical to let go a camera that garnered no less than 6 major photographic awards plus the K100D Super is probably the best 6 megapixel DSLR in terms of picture quality. After all both were serving me well enough.

DFA 100mm Macro

But wait! The K20D while so much like the K10D in shape and controls, is simply a different camera altogether. The K10D on paper had a lot of things going for it but it never was refined enough. The niggling back focusing issues with certain lenses, so-so noise levels at higher ISOs just detract a little from what is still a fine camera.

Sigma 90mm Macro

The K20D's strongest trump card is the simply stunning 14.6 megapixel CMOS sensor. It's this sensor that got me to sit up and decide that there was a qualitative improvement in image quality. Much thought has gone into improving the previous camera. The camera does many things better: focus, white balance, color rendition, plus user defined focus adjustment and Live View to name but just a few. I'm continually excited to use this camera and I'll be posting up more photos just as soon as I get through the instruction manual and explore the rich features of the current flagship from Pentax.


Anonymous said...


Very nice photos & very useful information


Denis_Lim said...

Thanks, do stop by again.